How important is light to your indoor plants?
How much light do houseplants actually need?
In this article we will highlight 5 facts about light and the role it plays with your plants’ growth.
- The main function of light is that it helps make food for your plant by the process of photosynthesis. During this process, plants use sunlight and carbon dioxide to produce sugar for their food and oxygen for us.
- Not all plants need the same amount of light. Plants have evolved to work with the amount of light they receive in their native environment. Most vegetable and fruit plants need full sunlight. Conversely, most tropical plants need diffused or filtered light. Meanwhile, some vines like the Virginia Creeper can thrive in any type of light and shade.
- Many popular indoor plants such as Monstera Deliciosa and Monstera Adansonii have holes, or fenestrations, in their leaves. The function of these fenestrations is to let light reach the lower leaves of plants growing along the tropical forest floor in their natural habitat. The older these plants grow, the larger the leaves are and the fenestrations are a very unique solution to ensure the leaves closer to the ground still receive the light they need to thrive.
- If your plant is in a room that does not get sufficient sunlight, no problem! The regular lighting in your house can still be helpful. If you need extra light for seedlings or plants which need some extra TLC, you can find a wide variety of grow lights online. [Stay tuned for a separate article on finding the right grow lights for your green room]
- Plants with larger leaves can be grown in relatively low light conditions compared to plants with small or delicate leaves. This is because the large leaves give plants a larger surface area for photosynthesis. However, if the plant is tropical, the light should be indirect or else it will scorch the leaves.
There are various factors to consider when providing the best light for our plants. While we may not be able to give them the perfect light conditions, with adequate light (natural or artificial) our plants can still be happy in our homes.